Most probable precipitation type

Most probable precipitation type (drizzle, rain, sleet, wet snow, snow, freezing rain or ice pellets) derived from an Ensemble Numerical Weather Prediction System

Description & Technical Information


The most probable precipitation type product is a secondary product from the probability of precipitation type algorithm that calculates which of the precipitation types (drizzle, rain, sleet, wet snow, snow, freezing rain or ice pellets) is most probable .

The most probable precipitation type can be classified in different ranges of probabilities (e.g. up to 50%, from 50 to 70% and higher than 70%).

Technical information

Category , ,
Coverage Global
Horizon 7 days
Time Resolution 3 h
Spatial Resolution 0.2° (~18 km)
Update 12 h
Nature Raster Maps
Availability , , ,

Model or Algorithm