Partner 17: AdBDxSele




TheAutorità di Bacino in Destra Sele- Destra Sele River Basin Authority is the water authority in the Campania Region in charge of interventions for an integrated policy of soil protection and water management in the basin of Sele in Campania Region (South Italy). The Authority has been instituted by the regional law L.R. n. 8 del 14/02/94 and acts in conformity with the national law L. 183/89. The main duty of the ADB is designing the Basin Plan that is a planning instrument within the River Basin, which involves cognitive, normative and technical components. The basin plan is the main instrument for assessment and management of risks associated with flood and landslides. The ADB performs activities to improve the current knowledge of the hydrological system, through data gathering, elaboration and diffusion, research experiments, thematic maps, and evaluation of the effects of the implementation of new regulatory acts.  AdBDxSele mission is to establish and develop master plans aimed to hydrogeological hazard mitigation. Specific duties are to maintain and operate hydraulic works for controlling, storing, preserving, and distributing water in the Basin River, controlling, preserving landslide’s areas are also included.
The AdBDxSele Basin is in the Campania Region, it ranges from punta Campanella and it includes all the basin catchment up to the Sele river. Major rivers are: Irno, Fuorni, Picentino and Tusciano. The AdBDxSele drainage area is approximately 700 square kilometers. AdBDxSele territory includes 39 municipalities, among those Salerno is the largest. AdBDxSele territory also includes the well famous Costiera Amalfitana which is classified as UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE, with Amalfi, Ravello and Positano.

Giuseppe Grimaldi: Head of Sector "Plans and Programs, Institutional Committee, the Technical Committee and monitoring" of the Regional Basin Authority Destra Sele in the Campania Region. In charge of many Single Procedure to select private partners, for example: Extraordinary plan for flood risk mangement, L. 226/99, Activities of study and advice related to the key geological and environmental characteristics of the coast for the area of competence of the Water Authority of Destra Sele, Excerpt map of coasts, Study for the characterization of water balance, the determination of the minimum flow (DMV) in the water bodies of the catchments of rivers Tusciano and Picentino Fuorni. Designer of many countermeasures for hydrogeological risk.

Gerardo Lombardi: Degree in geologic sciences in 1981. Employee at the Campania Region since 1978. Expert of education in environmental defence and in environmental laws. Expert in soil defence, hydrogeology, seismic problems and  emergency management. Collaborated to the activities organized  after the hydrogeologic emergencies in the Campania region since  1986 (Palma Campania) to nowadays (landslide of Positano, January 2006 ).

Selected Publications
2002.    AdBDxSele, 2002: River basin planning hydro-geological risk management. Regional Basin Authority Destra Sele in the Campania Region.
2002.    Aleotti, P., P. Canuti, G. Falorni, R. Fanti, G. Grimaldi, D. Guida, G. Lombardi, G. Pappalardo, and G. Polloni, 2002: Assessment of potential debris-flow inundation areas in the Sgarruposa Basin (Campania, Italy). In: Proceedings of 27th General Assembly European Geophysical Society, Nice (France), EGU, EGS02-A-06055 pp.
2003.    ——, 2003: Assessment of potential debris flow inundation areas on a small alluvial fan in southern Italy. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Slope Movements Prediction and Prevention for Risk Mitigation, Sorrento (Italy), AGI.