Landslides and debris flow hazard and impact assessment

The technique diagnoses the landslide and debris flow hazard level based on high-resolution rainfall observations and forecasts and a pre-classification of the landslide susceptibility of first and second order subbasins.

Description & Technical Information


The technique forecasts landslide and debris flow hazard level at regional scale and is applied at subbasin scale (0.5 – 10 km2). It uses the concepts of fuzzy logic to combine two ingredients: (i) landslide and DF subbasin susceptibility assessment based on geomorphological variables, and (ii) the magnitude of the rainfall situation as depicted from radar rainfall estimates. The output of the developed technique is a three-class warning (“low”, “moderate” or “high”) in each subbasin when a new radar rainfall map is available.

Technical information

Category ,
References Berenguer, M., D. Sempere-Torres, and M. Hürlimann, 2015: Debris-flow forecasting at regional scale by combining susceptibility mapping and radar rainfall, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 587-602.
Developer UPC-CRAHI
Development Stage TRL=6
