Regional Storm Surge model

The Regional Storm Surge model for storm surge forecasting at regional scale applied to the pilot site. It is based on the regional scale circulation model (SCHISM) and the regional scale wave model (WWM III).

Description & Technical Information


The Regional Storm Surge model has been developed for regional forecasting at the pilot sites. It combines the regional scale circulation model (SCHISM), the regional scale wave model (WWM III), which has been applied at the pilot sites.

The output from EFAS-COAST is used as input for the Regional Storm Surge model. The model has a lead time of 3 days. The forecast is refreshed once a day. It provides sea surface levels storm surge levels astronomical tidal + storm surge) and wave parameters (height, period, direction). The regional storm surge model has a grid resolution of 60 m and a temporal time-step of 30’.

Technical information

Developer CFR
References Arns, A., T. Wahl, S. Dangendorf, and J. Jensen, 2015: The impact of sea level rise on storm surge water levels in the northern part of the German Bight. Coastal Eng. 96,118-131, doi:
References (2) Hsu, T.W., S.H. Ou, and J.M. Liau, 2005: Hindcasting nearshore wind waves using a FEM code for SWAN. Coastal Engineering 52, 177-195.
References (3) Roland, A., Y.J. Zhang, H.V. Wang, Y.Q. Meng, Y.C. Teng, V. Maderich, I. Brovchenko,, M. DutourSikiric, and U. Zanke, 2012: A fully coupled 3D wavecurrent interaction model on unstructured grids. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans 117.
References (4) Zhang, Y., F. Ye, E.V. Stanev, and S. Grashorn, 2016: Seamless cross-scale modelling with SCHISM. Ocean Modelling, 102, 64-81.
References (5) Zhang, Y., and A.M. Baptista, 2008: SELFE: A semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian finiteelement model for cross-scale ocean circulation. Ocean Modelling, 21(3-4), 71-96.
Development Stage TRL=6
